Can your business function effectively without your computers?
Can you function without access to your data?
If you answer yes, you do not need support from any computer service firm If you answer no, you need to have systems in place that will deal with these situations if they occur. Problems like these can occur for various reasons, network hardware problems, server problems, or issues on a local machine.
We have experience in resolving these issues when they happen, but more importantly we can advise you on how best to avoid them. We offer various levels of service from a per call basis to total management of your computing assets.
Other services include;
Upgrades & Repairs
If you have a machine that seems to be running much slower than it used to talk to us and we can advise you on ways of increasing its performance. This may involve adding more memory, or simply giving it a service and a virus check.
We can install networks ranging from home wireless, to switched ethernet. Talk to us and we’ll advise you which solution is best for you.
Office Supplies
We stock or can source any type of ink/toner for any printing product. Our suppliers have access to all types of equipment required to run efficient offices today.
Custom Software
Talk to us about the tasks you want your computing equipment to perform, if there isn’t a generic solution to meet your needs we may write a program that will.
Web Design & Hosting
If you are considering setting up a website for your business come talk to us. We can offer advice, guidance and the facilities that will get your site up and running in minimal time and with the minimal fuss. We can design the site using simple software so that you will be able to update and expand it yourself.